Toshiba T1910 not powering up

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Toshiba T1910 not powering up

Post by TheCapfather »

Hello there.

Recently I took from my storage a Toshiba T1910 I had lying around for some years. The last time I booted it up it was working fine, but that was some years ago. This time I was not that lucky. The laptop is not booting up.
Overall condition.png

When I connect the power adapter, the green LED on the DC IN slot turns on. If I press the power button it flashes but it does not turn on.
DC IN light stays on.png

Apart from this issue, the LCD display is suffering from vinegar syndrome which is something else I should address sooner or later.
LCD Vinegar Syndrome.png
So... let's take it apart and see what I can find. This laptop has so many screws... I'm going to leave as many details as possible for future reference.

First, we need to take all the case screws. I forgot to take pictures of this process before so I took them afterward so I could document it.

There is one screw at the bottom:
Screw bottom.png

Then there are five screws at the back:
Screws back.png

And one at the top. You need to take the small cover first, just need to apply a bit of force up and it comes easily:
Screw top.png

After taking all the screws, we need to unsnap the keyboard. I used one of those plastic spudger pry tools used for opening mobile phones and went all around the keyboard unsnapping it. You need to make sure you disconnect the keyboard ribbon cable and then you can just take the keyboard out:
Keyboard ribbon cable.png

Now, there is a lot of metal shielding covering the rest of the components so we need to take them all out.
The under-the-keyboard metal shield has 5 screws:
Keyboard metal shield.png

While the metal shield at the top has 6 screws:
Top metal shield.png

There are two screws still attaching the display to the chassis and the screen cables. Just need to take them and put the screen aside:
Screen screws and cables.png

I had a bit of trouble with the next step, which is removing the top PCB board. I thought it only had one screw so I took it and start applying force to take the board out since is actually connected to the bottom board with two connectors, but it was not working. Then I realized there was a sneaky screw on the brown plastic of the card slot:
Top PCB screws.png
Then, as I said, you need to apply a bit of force to actually take the board out as it has two steady connections to the bottom board.

A couple more screws are holding the bottom board to the case:
Bottom PCB screws.png

There are still two more parts attached to this PCB that we need to unscrew. The first one is another metal shield that has two screws:
Bottom shield.png

The last one is a plastic cover on top of the PCB. Before taking it, make sure you disconnect the small battery cell:
Bottom PCB cover.png

And finally the laptop is disassembled 👏🏽👏🏽 As you can see there are a lot of screws!

As with any old retro device and making sure we follow this community's name: time to replace the caps!
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